Heta_Magisch's Commissions
Hello, I'm Magisch! I focus on art relating to Fire Emblem, Castlevania (the games, not the show), Megami Tensei (including Persona), and Hetalia. However, I am willing to draw from other franchises provided I am given enough information about the character you wish me to draw!I'm currently residing in the Lower 48, so if you aren't from those time zones, there may be a delay in my response!The money given to me is going to go to paying bills, me being fed, and anything that is necessary to provide for my family. I thank you for taking the time to look through the page!
-Sketch: $5
-Flat: $10
-Detailed: $15
Sketch Headshot: Naamah (Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance)
Flat Headshot: Monaco (Hetalia)
Detailed Headshot: Minerva (Fire Emblem 1)
Detailed Headshot: Shanoa (Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia)
-Sketch: $15
-Flat: $20
-Detailed: $25
Sketch Waist-Up: Partner (Megami Tensei II)
Flat Waist-Up: Lana (Fire Emblem 4)
Detailed Waist-Up: Ancient Egypt & Baby Egypt (Hetalia)
Detailed Waist-Up: Elizabeth Bartley (Castlevania: Bloodlines)
-Sketch: $25
-Flat: $30
-Detailed: $35
Sketch Full-Body: Tailtiu (Fire Emblem 4)
Flat Full Body: Labrys (Persona 4 Arena)
Detailed Full Body: Kugelmugel (Hetalia)
Detailed Full Body: Soma Cruz (Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows)
-Extra dollar to pricing: $1+
-Please provide a pic of OC to the best of your abilities. If not, I will try my best to provide the person of your dreams.
Original Character of Mine
Weapons & Items
Depending on Complexity: $1-$5
Extra People in Your Drawing
-Waist-up & Full-body: $15-20 (drawing will be flat or detailed depending on what you want)
-Bust: $10 (Drawing will be flat or detailed depending on what you want)
-Solid color: Free
-Complex: $5
Extra Information
Won't Draw
-Hate Art
Can't Draw
-Mecha (sadly)
-Pr0n (I'm bad at it, sorry)
-Furry (ditto)
Terms of Service
- If English is not the easiest language for you to communicate, I can converse in other languages. Just know that if it is not English, Spanish, Japanese, or Portuguese, I will have a harder time communicating with you. I will still try, however!
Plus, if you talk to me in Japanese and Portuguese, you'll help me practice :)
- Half of the payment before we start. Once the sketch of the commission has been provided and you like what you see, please provide the rest of the payment.- You can do whatever you want with the drawing once it is in your hands, just please do not resell at a higher price. My drawings are not better than the prices provided.- If you want a specific canvas size for icons, Twitter header, wallpaper, etc, please specify the canvas size in your request- I would love credit if you repost or use it as a profile/banner picture for your accounts, but that is not necessary :)
Si es más fácil para usted comunicar en Español, por favor siéntate libre a comunicar con migo en Español.
- La mitad del pago antes que comencemos. Cuando te doy el dibujo del comisión y te gusta lo que vez, por favor de dar el resto del pago.- Puedes hacer lo que tu quieras con el dibujo cuando ya esta en tus manos, pero por favor no vallas a revender el dibujo a un precio más que pagaste. Mis dibujos no son mejor que el precio que pagaste.- Si quieres un tamaño específico para cosas como para perfiles, Twitter header, fondo, etc, por favor especifica que tamaño de lienzo quieres.- Me gustaría tener crédito si usas o publicas en tu propio profile/banner pero no es necesario :)
- 始める前に半額お願いします。依頼のスケッチが持って来るので、スケッチものが気に入ったら、残りをお払ってください。- 絵を手に渡ったら、何でもがOKです。でも、高値で転売することをご遠慮ください。私の絵は提供された価格よりもいない。- サイズはツイッターのバナーとか、壁紙、待ち画、アイコンとなどに特定がほしいば、サイズに特定がほしいを言ってください。- アカウントで再掲や絵を使ったら、クレジットをお願いします。でも、必要なしです。 :)
Se é mas fácil para você comunicar em Português, por favor sinta-se livre para comunicar com meu em Português. Português não é minha primeiro idioma então vou tentar fazer o meu melhor. Eu ainda estou aprendizado
- Metade do pagamento antes de começarmos. Quando eu lhe entregar o desenho e te gosto o que vê, por favor dar o resto do pagamento.- Pois fazer o que quiser com o desenho quando já este em tua mãos, mas por favor não revenda o desenho por um preço superior ao que pagou por ele. Meus desenho não são superior que o preço que pagou.- Se quereis um tamanho específico as coisas cómo as perfis, Twitter banner, fundo, etcétera, por favor específica quais tamanho de quadro quereis.- Mí gostaria ter crédito se utilizar ou publicar no seu próprio perfil/banner, mas não é obrigatório :)
German Brothers (Hetalia)
Carrie (Castlevania 64 & Legacy of Darkness)
Celia (Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow)
Kana (Fire Emblem Fates)
Kei (Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance)
Kyoto (Hetalia)
Lene (Fire Emblem 4)
Lumera (Fire Emblem Engage)
Macau (Hetalia)
Malus (Castlevania 64 & Legacy of Darkness)
Mitsuru Kirijo (Persona 4 Arena)
Miyazu Atsuta (Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance)
Nahobino (Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance)
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Sketches
Rosa (Castlevania 64 & Legacy of Darkness)
Sara (Castlevania: Lament of Innocence)
Tharja (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Velouria (Fire Emblem Fates)
Yumiko Shirasagi (Megami Tensei I)
Yumiko Shirasagi & Akemi Nakajima (Megami Tensei I)
Belarus (Hetalia)
China (Hetalia)
Eirika & Ephraim (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
Erinys (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War)
Felicia (Fire Emblem Fates)
HRE (Hetalia)
Bulgaria & Romania (Hetalia)
Chihiro Fushimi (Persona 3)
Cornell (Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness)
Toki (Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse)
Yuko Takao (Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne)
Vika (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
Law Hero (Shin Megami Tensei I)
Lilim (Megami Tensei Franchise)